My journey through the world of writing and everything that lies in between…

Library Changes…

A bit of a rant here. I just found out my local library eliminated their online interlibrary loan service–which is how I got about 75% of my research books for my novel.

All of this is obviously due to budget shortfalls, but it still stinks. I have to go the traditional route now, which is a bit of a process as I have to go to the library and pay .50 to initiate it. But I suppose it’s better than nothing…although I’ve been spoiled by the previous system.

I wish I could just buy these books instead of renewing them five times, taking them back to the library, then re-checking them out again. However, I cannot afford to get most of them for my own library; I’ve wanted to, but because many of them are out of print and limited availability, they often go for a ridiculous sum of money–like a couple hundred dollars–and no research book  is worth that.

However, I have found out that the county over still has their free interlibrary loan service–for the time being–and since I live close to the county line anyway, I guess I’ll be frequenting that library more often–even though it’s a little out of the way. Better than nothing, I suppose. And I guess I shouldn’t complain since I’m sure many other writers have a harder time getting research materials too, depending on where they live. I guess I’m a bit spoiled 😛

Still…it figures this has to happen just when I’m about to get into the massive researching phase of my writing process too. 😛

Comments on: "Library Changes…" (6)

  1. My library just barely got inter-loan, but I still find myself too impatient to wait for books.

  2. I don’t know what I’d do without my library’s interloan! I’m sorry Dara. Hope the next county over works out for you.

    • Same here!

      I am hoping though to find a professor of Japanese history or something that may be able to help me with some of the aspects I can’t find in books. We’ll see how that works.

  3. I get most of my novels I through interlibrary loans at my local library, since my own library has a very small selection. So I feel your pains completely.

  4. LOL. I’ve never even heard of interloan! I literally haul the books in garbage bags – sometimes three trips up icy cold hills, and me barely 82 pounds!!

    Well, it puts hair on the chest. (A joke, that!!) 😀

  5. That’s a total pain! I use mine all the time! Maybe soon we’ll all be ordering these things online to read on our e-readers, so we won’t have to get out of bed at all.

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