My journey through the world of writing and everything that lies in between…

Sorry about the lack of posts. I really haven’t had much to write about and I’ve been doing pretty poorly with my miniNano goal. It’s like the desire to write has temporarily disappeared. I say temporarily because I know it will come back (as I’m searching for it now :P). It’s not writer’s block, but more like writer-is-going-through-a-period-of-self-doubt syndrome. It must be something weird I’m going through as I’ve even lost some of my appetite. I will be fine but I had to take a bit of a step back. Hard to explain, although I’m sure most of you who are writers understand.

Comments on: "Lack of Posts Explained" (6)

  1. Caitlynn said:

    Ah…well, if it’ll help, we could always try having a word war sometime while I’m visiting. Seeing as how I don’t have one WiP I’m consistently working on at the moment, I’d say the odds would probably be in your favor. 😉

  2. No explanation needed. 🙂 Take good care of yourself!

  3. Grrr, I totally understand. Blame it on fear. Bleck. Don’t be afraid to take a break and breathe deep. Likewise, don’t be afraid to laugh in the face of your silent muse and force your fingers to write.
    Good luck, girlie!

  4. Yep, I definitely understand. 🙂

    – Corra

    The Victorian Heroine

  5. I totally know what you mean. I saw that you are a part of the Debut Author Challenge! That is so amazing that you are supporting debut authors and I only recently found out that I am going to be one!!! I wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind heading over to my blog and giving me your opinion. As a blogger turned author I would really appreciate it and the publisher is still giving out ARCs so you might have a chance at a free copy! Thank you and I hope you will stop by and check out The Thirteenth Chime!

    Emma Michaels

    P.S.- My release date if Friday the 13th (August this year) isn’t that crazy?

  6. No apologies necessary. We all go through periods of self doubt. I think writing through self doubt is one of those things we have to train ourselves to do. Hopefully the new Demand Studios gig will get the juices flowing.

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