My journey through the world of writing and everything that lies in between…

Some Fairly Big News

Nothing writing related–in fact I’ve been doing pretty poorly on that account–but it is something that will be changing my life forever.

A few weeks back, I was sick all the time and couldn’t figure out why. Well, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive 🙂 I didn’t want to announce it yet though because anything can happen in the first trimester. I was pretty sick for awhile, unable to even keep liquid down. The doctor put me on anti-nausea medicine and now I can eat again, although I still get pretty queasy past 8 PM (my “morning sickness” hits in the evening).

This past Monday, I had to go to the doctor for another reason (because the meds were given me some other,  um, unpleasant side effects :P) and while there, she wanted to do an ultrasound to see exactly how far I was along. The ultrasound tech had an opening less than an hour after my appointment, so I scurried around calling my husband and he rushed up there for the appointment.

And we got to see our little one for the first time! He/She had a very strong heartbeat–you could see it on the screen. I have to admit it was a bit overwhelming seeing it and knowing there’s a little person growing inside.

I’m almost nine weeks along, so I’m still pretty early. I would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers for baby’s safe delivery in the coming months. My EDD is June 16th, so he/she will be an early summer baby 🙂

Anyway, that’s why I’ve been MIA for awhile and haven’t really written anything for NaNo this year. Kind of been pre-occupied 🙂

Comments on: "Some Fairly Big News" (13)

  1. WOO HOOO!!! I’m so excited for you both. You’ll love being a Mom. It’s exhausting, mind-blowing and utterly fulfilling. Take care.

  2. Congratulations, that’s so exciting.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! We rushed right over here after we saw your blog comment. Amazing news, Dara! We’re so happy for you!

  4. Oh my gosh!!!! This is so exciting! Congratulations!!!!! 🙂 So, do we get more details? Was this a surprise? Were you on birth control? Eeek! 🙂

    • LOL, well it was and it wasn’t, if that makes sense. Wasn’t on b/c so we figured it would happen sooner or later 😛 I was surprised that it happened this soon though 🙂

      • That was my question too! Wasn’t sure if this was planned or not. Anyway we were in the same boat not really planned but not really pro active in preventing it either. We weren’t ready for one and God thought it would funny to give us TWO! The rest is history! Anyway at least you know there is only one peanut growing in there! (even if it were two you would have been fine! you’ve got plenty of help!)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! How exciting!

  6. Congratulations! That’s such a wonderful news. I’m keeping you and your baby in my prayers!

  7. HUZZAH!!! That’s fantastic news. I was wondering where you’ve run off to in the middle of NaNo! I’ll definitely be thinking of you and the baby in the coming months.


  8. Congratulations!! So exciting (and all that other stuff). Best wishes, for sure!

  9. I’ve been absent in the blogosphere (finding time to write is hard enough) and just saw this blog.

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!!

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