My journey through the world of writing and everything that lies in between…

Avid Readers

My appetite for a well written story is growing more and more every day. Searching for a good book has always involved a bit of frustration for me, especially as I read too fast sometimes and then I’m back at the beginning, searching earnestly for the next page turner. So, what better way to indulge in my desire of books than to search for blogs about them?

I’ve added a new section to the side called “Avid Readers” and those blogs are focused (for the most part) on book reviews. I find that most of the books I read (and have enjoyed) have come from a detailed review of the book by someone who obviously loves reading as much as I do. I don’t put too much stock in the Amazon reviews, for it’s clear that many people are way to quick to bash a book for something they don’t like. While I may not like a certain book I read, there’s a way to review it that doesn’t call for borderline vulgarity.

Anyway, if you have any book review blogs or websites you like to visit, let me know. It can be anything from adult mainstream to young adult, to fantasy to thriller and historical fiction–I’m trying to add to the list every day (or at least on a regular basis).

Comments on: "Avid Readers" (1)

  1. To find a good book with the right pacing, good story and likeable characters is sometimes hard. I’ll keep my eye out for some websites that help.

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