My journey through the world of writing and everything that lies in between…

I know as a writer I have those times when I wonder if I have what it takes to be successful. I think it’s something that all writers go through during various stages of time, even published ones.

Anyway, I got a confirmation this weekend that I’m really not as awful as I once thought.

Friday night (actually Saturday, since it was way after midnight) I was checking my spam filter here on my blog. Occassionally a good comment gets routed there for some reason and I decided to double check before I deleted the spam.

And that’s when I saw it. A comment from a literary agent, who was very interested in the novel summaries I posted.

I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that. Of course, I went and double checked a few sources to make sure the comment was in fact legit. She most certainly was and she works for the very agency that represents Amy Tan and Lisa See–two of my favorite authors. I ended up emailing the agent, thanking her for contacting me and letting her know that the moment my novel is polished I will send it off.

This essentially was a sign for me to stop finding excuses and it was about as blatant as if a billboard was dropped from heaven in my front yard. 😛 I’ve long since wondered if my stories had any appeal and to get an actual request from an agent about them…let’s just say that doubt has pretty much evaporated.

So I guess my point is to never sell yourself short, especially if you’re a writer. You just have to keep going, keep writing and not give up. All the more reason for me to succeed in my goals for Fast Draft.

One more thing: I have to say how incredibly amazing it is that one of my other writer friends, Mariah, had a similar bout of encouragement recently. Go and read her entry about why she’s a writer too.

Comments on: "Confirmation of My Calling" (8)

  1. Congratulations. That is so cool. I also had an agent email me. It just goes to show you that what we put on our blogs is important. Good luck with this agent.

  2. That’s awesome. It certainly gives you the motivation to keep going.

  3. Holy cow – that’s aweSOME NEWS!! Congrats – hope it works out for you!

  4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SAME AGENCY AS AMY TAN?! You, my friend, are made of awesome and I’m glad it has been pointed out to you!

  5. Oh, and thanks for the linky love. It’s funny that our minds are always on the same things.

  6. WOW. I’m picking my jaw up off the floor. LOL! That is SOOOO cool!
    Let us know when you send it off! How exciting. 🙂

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